
Is Social Media Undermining Democracy?


Is Social Media Undermining Democracy?

This webinar, part of the Global Columbia Collaboratory, will look at the impact of social media and our democratic institutions.

Social networking’s most dangerous human impact is that it can create more polarization, generating increasingly less room for debate and constructive discussions, which threatens our social fabric and democracy itself. How can society ensure that social media is kept moored to democratic values, is used to promote and defend truth, and helps us respect differences to reach compromise?

  • Powerful social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter have been more proactive in blocking posts that they deem to be lacking in truth or purposely spreading disinformation, but is this enough?
  • Where does the civic duty of these social media giants lie, and does it infringe on the people’s right to freedom of speech?
This webinar, part of the Global Columbia Collaboratory, will look at the impact of social media and our democratic institutions.

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